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MAINTENANCE. You should not forget that wood is a natural material, it change move depending on weather conditions. Large and small cracks, color tone differences and changes, as well as a changing structure of wood are not errors, but a result of wood growing and a feature of wood as a natural material. Natural wood (not impregnated) becomes grayish after having been left untouched for a while, and can be turn blue and become moldy. You should immediately process them with wood impregnations to protect the wooden details of our produced products.
We definitely recommend that you process the door and windows with a wood impregnation agent, and do it namely both inside and outside, because the doors and windows can become twisted. In general, we recommend for the conclusive finishing a weather protection paint that will protect wood from moisture and UV radiation after the house is assembled. Consult a specialist regarding paints suitable for unprocessed softwood and follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions. Your Cube life time will be much longer after having properly painted. We recommend that you inspect the house thoroughly once every six month.
Categories: Cube, Hús, Ice-Viking - Kynning
Tag: Ice-Viking