Stilliloki KDM

  • Vörunúmer: ATKDM
    Tegund: KDM
    Heiti: Stilliloki KDM
  • KDM • Control valves
    Circular control valves with manual quadrant.
  • Material
    Galvanized steel
  • Accessories
    Controle valve type KDM can be motorized with a actuator type LM, NM, LF or NF/SF
    If used with servomotor type LM, a mounting plate type MP-LM is obligatory. An axe extension type AEX-12/M6 100 mm is necessary for KDM 80 until KDM 250
    If used with servomotor type NM, a mounting plate type MP-NM is obligatory. An axe extension type AEX-12/M6 100 mm is necessary for KDM 80 until KDM 250
    If used with servomotor type LF, a mounting plate type MP-LF is obligatory. An axe extension type AEX-12/M6 100 mm is necessary for KDM 80 until KDM 250
    If used with servomotor type NF or SF, a mounting plate type MP-NF/SF is obligatory. An axe extension type AEX-12/M6 100 mm is necessary for KDM 80 until KDM 250
    An actuator with more than 5Nm (NM, NF or SF) is recommended for KDM size 560 and 630
    From KDM diameter 280 the valve is already equipped with an axle extension so no extension will be needed.
  • Other available products
    Air tight control valves, type AKH
  • Text for tender
    A circular control valve with manual quadrant is used for a good regulation of the air flow. If necessary the valve can be motorized by replacing the manual quadrant into a servomotor type Belimo LM. In that case a mounting plate (type ATC MP-LM) and axe extension (type ATC AEX-12/M6 100 mm) are recommanded.
    type ATC KDM
  • Order example
    KDM, 250
    Explanation :
    KDM = Type of valve
    250 = Diameter of valve
